英文簡稱:Human L-Type Amino Acid Transporter 1 (y+LAT1) ELISA Kit
1,封閉:以下包以后是無關(guān)的蛋白質(zhì)溶液濃度高,涂層技術(shù)。隨函附上使許多不相關(guān)的蛋白質(zhì)充填這些空隙,和攪擾物質(zhì)的免疫排擠和吸附進程。ELISA試劑盒常用的密封:0。05% - 0。5%牛血清白蛋白;10%或1%明膠牛血清;脫脂奶粉,報價相對低廉,可用于高濃度(5%~10%);和一些稀有的運用各種動物血清(首要是為了消除類似的蛋白和酪蛋白等攪擾)。但究竟挑選啥,依據(jù)試驗的詳細實習。
4,色彩:色彩體系有許多,咱們開端做,挑選恰當?shù)纳鼠w系。ELISA試劑盒留意色彩體系酶底物物加硫柳泵節(jié)省,組合物加*。7,每次都盡可能的陰和陽空三操控,如剖析疑問的呈現(xiàn)。YB-aFP-Si 猴甲胎蛋白(αFP) ELISA Kit Monkey Alpha-Fetoprotein (aFP) ELISA Kit Rhesus monkey Simian 1.56-100ng/mL 1.2ng/mL sandwich 96T/48T 1107.5/775.2 12 months
YB-AGC-Hu 人聚集蛋白聚糖(AGC) ELISA Kit Human Aggrecan (AGC) ELISA Kit Homo sapiens human 0.468-30ng/mL 0.16ng/mL sandwich 96T/48T 926.3/648.5 12 months
YB-AGC-Mu 小鼠聚集蛋白聚糖(AGC) ELISA Kit Mouse Aggrecan (AGC) ELISA Kit Mus musculus mouse 0.625-40ng/mL 0.225ng/mL sandwich 96T/48T 950/665 12 months
YB-AGC-Ra 大鼠聚集蛋白聚糖(AGC) ELISA Kit Rat Aggrecan (AGC) ELISA Kit Rattus norvegicus Rat 0.312-20ng/mL 0.131ng/mL sandwich 96T/48T 997.5/698.3 12 months
YB-AGC-Rb 兔聚集蛋白聚糖(AGC) ELISA Kit Rabbit Aggrecan (AGC) ELISA Kit Oryctolagus cuniculus Rabbit 3.125-200ng/mL 1.12ng/mL sandwich 96T/48T 997.5/698.3 12 months
YB-AGE-Ge 晚期糖基化終末產(chǎn)物(AGE) ELISA Kit General Advanced Glycation End Product (AGE) ELISA Kit General 125-8000ng/mL 35.2ng/mL competitive inhibition 96T/48T 902.6/631.8 12 months
YB-AGER-Hu 人晚期糖基化終末產(chǎn)物受體(AGER) ELISA Kit Human Advanced Glycosylation End Product Specific Receptor (AGER) ELISA Kit Homo sapiens human 0.156-10ng/mL 0.058ng/mL sandwich 96T/48T 882.5/617.7 12 months
YB-AGER-Mu 小鼠晚期糖基化終末產(chǎn)物受體(AGER) ELISA Kit Mouse Advanced Glycosylation End Product Specific Receptor (AGER) ELISA Kit Mus musculus mouse 0.156-10ng/mL 0.058ng/mL sandwich 96T/48T 905/633.5 12 months
YB-AGGF1-Hu 人G補綴FHA域血管生成因子1(AGGF1) ELISA Kit Human Angiogenic Factor With G Patch And FHA Domains 1 (AGGF1) ELISA Kit Homo sapiens human 0.156-10ng/mL 0.051ng/mL sandwich 96T/48T 1057.5/740.3 12 months
YB-AGGF1-Mu 小鼠G補綴FHA域血管生成因子1(AGGF1) ELISA Kit Mouse Angiogenic Factor With G Patch And FHA Domains 1 (AGGF1) ELISA Kit Mus musculus mouse 78.125-5000pg/mL 34pg/mL sandwich 96T/48T 1085/759.5 12 months
YB-AGGF1-Ra 大鼠G補綴FHA域血管生成因子1(AGGF1) ELISA Kit Rat Angiogenic Factor With G Patch And FHA Domains 1 (AGGF1) ELISA Kit Rattus norvegicus Rat 0.468-30ng/mL 0.19ng/mL sandwich 96T/48T 1140/798 12 months
YB-AGK-Hu 人?;视图っ?AGK) ELISA Kit Human Acylglycerol Kinase (AGK) ELISA Kit Homo sapiens human 0.156-10ng/mL 0.081ng/mL sandwich 96T/48T 970.1/679.1 12 months
YB-AGR2-Hu 人前梯度蛋白2(AGR2) ELISA Kit Human Anterior Gradient Protein 2 (AGR2) ELISA Kit Homo sapiens human 0.156-10ng/mL 0.061ng/mL sandwich 96T/48T 970.1/679.1 12 months