YHP 渦輪高壓鼓風機 YHP Turbine High Pressure Blower Fan
工作范圍 Scope of work
Stuctural features : High-pressure blower,turbocharged blade structure design.
葉輪直徑:35-66cm Wheel diameter : 35-66 cm
風量范圍:500-9180 m3/h Air colume range : 500-9180 m3/h
壓力: 14500 Pa Maximum pressure : 14500 Pa
溫度:300 ℃ Maximum temperature : 300 ℃
傳動方式:電機直聯、聯軸器 、皮帶 Driving mode : motor drive,coupling,belt
Applications : It is applied to the occasion of small air volume and high air pressure. For example, flue gas,transportation, low concentration particulate gas, pneumatic transportation and so on.