O2 + C ----- CO2
O2 and palladium carbon catalyst will produce CO2 in catalytic reaction, the remaining O2
inN2 is eliminated in deoxygen tank filled with high performance palladiumcarbon catalyst to
remove oxygen impurities, and then after double steps removingmoisture by cooling and
adsorption, to obtain high purity N2 (99.9995%).Deoxidization of the core components is the
palladium carbon catalyst.
● DoesNOT contain any H2 in outlet N2, suitable for production processing that requires hydrogen free atmosphere.
● Simple operation, compact structure, low energy cost
● Continuous monitoring purity, temperature, O2 content and otherspecifications, stable to
maintain high purity N2.
● Automatic system optional, no workers needed for operation.
● Widerange of applications, no special requirements for raw material air.
Nitrogen Gas:
● Pressure —— 0.6~0.7Mpa
● Dew Point —— ≤-40℃
● Oxygen Content —— ≤1%
● Capacity —— 5~5000Nm3/h
High Purity Nitrogen Gas:
● Pressure —— 0.5~0.6Mpa (Ajustable)
● Dew Point —— ≤-70℃
● O2 Content —— ≤3ppm
● H2 Content —— None
● Capacity —— 5~5000Nm3/hr
● Note:Higher standard for O2 content and dew point, can equip with multistepmoisture-remover. And considering the less consumption for palladium carbon catalyst,which is of course lower cost, we suggest customer to use the O2 ≤0.1%of the nitrogen gas.
O2 + H2 ----- H2O
O2 and H2 will produceH2O when heating in catalyst, Add some H2 in N2, the mixed air will
chemicalreaction in de-oxygen tank filled with catalyst to remove the oxygenimpurities. and then after double steps removing moisture by cooling andadsorption, to obtain high purity nitrogen
● The gas contains hydrogen gas, quite suitable for gas atmosphereneeds H2, the hydrogen
content can be controlled.
● Simply operation, compact structure, low energy cost.
● Continuous monitoring purity, temperature, O2 content and otherspecifications, stable to
maintain high purity nitrogen gas.
● Automatic system optional, no workers needed to operation.
● Widely range of application, no special requirements for rawmaterial air.
Nitrogen Gas:
● Pressure —— 0.6~0.7Mpa
● Dew Point —— No requirement
● Oxygen Content —— ≤3%
● Capacity —— 5~5000Nm3/hr
High Purity Nitrogen Gas:
● Pressure ——0.5~0.6Mpa
● Dew Point ——≤-70℃
● O2 Content —— ≤3ppm
● H2 Content —— 500~2000ppm
● Capacity —— 5~5000Nm3/hr