適用領域:風機 電機測試 喇叭測試 精密儀器等
1. 隔音罩主體為框架式,墻板可拆卸。
The main part of the acoustic enclosure is frame type, and the wall panel can be disassembled .
2. 隔音罩尺寸為:1795x1220x1700mm;框架采用Q235T=2.0mm冷軋板制作;
The fan enclosure size :1795X1220X1700mm,The frame is made of Q235T=2.0mm, cold rolled sheet
3. 箱體采用Q235T=1.5mm冷軋板、內層為復合式隔音材料、0.8mm 鍍鋅網板固定
The box body is made of Q235T=1.5mm cold rolled plate,the inner layer is composite sound insulation material ,and the 0.8mm galvanized mesh plate is fixed
4. 隔音罩總體采用折壓鋼板夾層50mm厚吸隔音模塊組合式結構。
Overall,the soundproof cover adopts folding and pressing steel plate with a sandwich of 50mm and the thick sound insulation
5. 隔音罩底座采用2.0mm冷軋板卷折、焊接并填充隔音材料,
The sound-proof base is rolled and folded with 2.0mm cold rolled plate , welded and filled with sound-proof material
6. 配置風機底座安裝孔及120x60C型鋼
Equipped with fan base mounting hole and 120X60C shape steel
7. 罩體表面靜電噴塑,顏色RAL7035,(色差在7%-8%標準范圍)
Electrostatic spraying on the surface of the cover ,color RAL7035 (the color difference is within the standard range of 7%-8%)
8. 隔音罩采用推拉式門,可以打開便于維修和人員操作
The acoustic enclosure adopts push-pull double doors ,which can be opened for maintenance and personnel operation
9. 其它為活動門,螺絲連接,需要時可拆卸
Other are movable door, screw connected, detachable when needed.
10. 罩體加裝進出風消音百葉窗,出風口加裝消音通道并配置強力管道風機,
The housing body is equipped with the wind silencing louvers in and out ,and the air outlet is equipped with silencing channel and a strong static pipe fan
11. 保障箱內空氣流通及散熱
Ensure air circulation and heat dissipation in the box
12. 防火、防爆、防潮、耐溫,美觀堅固耐用
Fireproof, explosion-proof, moisture-proof, temperature-proof, beautiful and durable
13. 噪控效果:根據需方要求隔音箱內設備噪音不高于81dbA
Noise control effect: the equipment noise in the soundproof box is no higher than 81dbA as required by the demander.
Noise outside the box falls below 70dbA(ambient noise is lower than 65dbA)
14. 驗收方式:用分貝儀測量箱內、外分貝值,依照要求效果驗收。
15. 此隔音罩根據需方提供圖紙及參數(shù)設計而成,供方設計圖紙并由需方簽字確認后,方可生產
The sound insulation box shall be designed according to the drawings and parameters provided by the buyer, the design drawing of the supplier shall be signed and confirmed by the buyer before production
The way of acceptance is to measure the db value in and out of the box with a decibel meter