MaxO2 + 概述
The MaxO2+A was designed with simplicity and portability in mind.
MaxO2 +設計的簡單性和可移植性。
quickly adapts for use in tubing applications and is ideal for checking oxygen percent
accuracy in line or on concentrators. Its patented ergonomic design fits comfortably in
your hand and features a simple one-touch on/off and calilbration. The MaxO2+ will
calibrate to room air (%) or 99% oxygen.
Measurement Range: 0 - 99% Oxygen
測量范圍 0-99%
Display Resolution: % Oxygen
顯示分辨率 %
Warm-up Time: None Required
OperatingTemperatureRange: 15°C - 40°C (59°F - 104°F)
工作溫度 15°C - 40°C (59°F - 104°F)
OperatingHumidityRange: 0 - 95% RH non-condensing
工作濕度范圍 0 - 95% RH b不結露
Oxygen Measurement Accuracy: ±2%
測量精度 ±2%
SensorConnection: M16 x 1 Thread
傳感器 M16 x 1
Sensor Operating Life: gt;900,000 oxygen percet hours, minimum 2
years in typical applications
傳感器使用壽命 >900,000氧小時,至少兩年以上的壽命
MaximumStorageTemperatureRange: 15°C - 50°C (5°F - 122°F)
存儲溫度 15°C - 50°C (5°F - 122°F)
OptimalStorageTemperatureRange: 5°C - 25°C (41°F - 77°F)
理想存儲溫度 5°C - 25°C (41°F - 77°F)
90%ResponseTime: <15 seconds
T90響應時間 lt;15秒
Low-BatteryIndicator: “BAT” icon displayed on LCD
低電量顯示 “BAT”LCD上
PowerRequirement: 2-AA Alkaline Batteries ( Volts)
電池 2-AA堿性電池( Volts)
TotalWeight: lbs (170 grams)
重量 170克
Dimensions: ” (tall) x ” (wide) x ” (thick)
尺寸 ” (tall) x ” (wide) x ” (thick)
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