The most high-end class accurate and reliable laser diffraction particle sizing instrument HORIBA Partica LA-950V2 has been upgraded to the LA-960. HORIBA particle sizing instrument recognized as its strong point of submicron range measurement capability and the new model includes these advantages with some new features. HORIBA’s experience in the use of data algorithms has evolved to meet the expectations of the customer demanding the highest accuracy and resolution.
- Latest Technology and Highest Performance
The dynamic wide measurement range; 0.01- 5000 microns (up to 3000 microns for wet method)
The LA-960 incorporates the previous strengths over a broader range of sizes. 3 dimensional data simulation which generates scattered light patterns for HORIBA original optical layout are used for the calculation.
The results can be compared with the theoretical results including all the optical component parameter effects. The comparison allows for the selection of the best approach of the size and distributions. Certified samples as small as 20 nm can be handled by the new algorithms.
- Performance Guaranty
- Guaranteed high data accuracy of ±0.6%
- ISO13320 compliance
- Traceability support
As well as the data accuracy and reproducibility assurances, the instrument-to-instrument are confirmed with standards for each analyzer. The testing material is poly-dispersed standard of glass beads with over one decade of distribution.
- World wide user accepted quality
HORIBA has focused on the product quality of the most essential key part of the instrument; the light source and detector alignment. The circulation system efficiency, speedy operation and easy maintenance are based on the requirements from the various users of high-tech research laboratories and quality controlling managements. We also offer some different maintenance support programs after the sale depending on the user’s intended use, analysis circumstance and operational frequency.
- Optical Component & Sample Preparationn System
The optical component and sample preparation system (Circulation system) unified model that enables smooth and productive analysis operations.
- Evolutionary Advance of the LA Series Software
- All at a glance GUI design! Easy and functional screen layout
Method expert function generates appropriate measurement conditions and reviews each analysis. Flexible automatic measurement design and settings enable user friendly operations.
- Data correlation software available; LA-920, LA-950 and LA-950V2
- All at a glance GUI design! Easy and functional screen layout
- Latest Technology and Highest Performance
上海鉑拓能源科技有限公司是一家專業(yè)從事實驗室設(shè)備解決方案、特殊工況用儀器儀表系統(tǒng)解決方案以及*材料應用的科技型企業(yè)?! √厥夤r儀器儀表:公司目前針對糧儲、能源化工等行業(yè)提供復雜工況環(huán)境下用的測量儀表及解決方案。如俄羅斯利馬克高頻雷達物位計、伊科菲斯環(huán)保電離輻射料位計和密度計、申鑠超聲波在線濃度儀等??稍诟邷?、超高壓力(測量介質(zhì)溫度:2000℃,60bar)、高粉塵、高腐蝕、易結(jié)晶、蒸汽、超低介電常數(shù) (介電常數(shù)1.2-1.4下依然非常精準)等介質(zhì)工況下使用。目前已經(jīng)廣泛應用于糧油儲倉、石化、鋼鐵冶金、電廠、水泥等行業(yè)儲罐物位、介質(zhì)密度及濃度的在線測量?! 嶒炇移脚_建設(shè):專業(yè)的化工、材料、環(huán)保技術(shù)團隊,可以為研究單位定制實驗裝置,目前已經(jīng)與中科院硅酸鹽研究所、中科院高等院、航天811所、上海交通大學、上海大學、上海理工大學、同濟大學等高??蒲性核㈨椖亢献鳌4磉M口實驗室設(shè)備,如日本Nanovater納米分散設(shè)備、德國納博熱高溫爐、瑞士萬通電化學工作站水分儀和電位滴定儀、安捷倫氣相色譜儀和氣質(zhì)聯(lián)用儀、PE珀金埃爾默ICP、麥克比表面儀、HORIBA激光散射粒徑分布分析儀、掃描電鏡、透射電鏡、哈希濁度儀、梅特勒天平及水分儀、英國科爾康氣體檢測儀、日本理研軟磁交直儀、MATS磁性材料測量系統(tǒng)、合肥科晶以及國外品牌的鋰電池及燃料電池相關(guān)實驗室設(shè)備等。 *材料:*碳材料;針對新能源汽車行業(yè)電池包熱管理的需求,提供定制化隔熱防火材料及熱管理解決方案;提供電子元器件高熱傳導氮化硅基板及金屬陶瓷復合材料。
LA-960激光粒度儀 產(chǎn)品信息