

FoV Autocollimator±25’ (V) x ±40’ (H)
FoV Telescope & Beam Profiler±50’ (V) x ±1°20’ (H)
Clear Aperture36 mm
Autocollimator’s Resolution0.01 sec
Autocollimator’s Accuracy1.0 sec
Light SourceLED- 650, optional: 1060, RGB. Special order: 1310 nm
Retro-reflector for alignment?64 mm, N.W 280 g Thread ?16 mm, <5”
Line of Sight Retention as Function of Focusing +/- 2.5 seconds
Min. Focusing DistanceLess than 17.5 cm
Built in coarse aiming Laser Pointer638 nm power <1.0 mW Class 2 laser product, IEC60825-1
Spectral Response350 – 1310 nm (Telescope Mode)
Resolution (H x V pixels)1920 x 1200
Gain Control x24
Dynamic Range60 dB , 12 bit
Exposure Speed39 µsec to 20 sec
Frame Rate40 fps (8 bit)
Sensor typeProprietary CMOS
Pixel Size5.86 µm x 5.86 µm
Pixel Bit Depth8/12 bits
Background SubtractionUser activated
Trigger? Internal Software

? Hardware Falling or Rising Edge

? Trigger Delay 0.015ms – 4.0 sec

Pan & Tilt knobsLarge Pan, Tilt ±2.5°,
Power Requirements ~2 Watt (Via USB 3.0 interface)
Dimensions (L x W x H) in mm250 x 125 x 190
Weight (typical)3 kg including cable
Min. Hardware RequirementsCPU i3 1.6 GHz, 4 GB RAM Min. Resolution 1366 x 766
InterfaceUSB 3.0, Windows 7/8/10 (32 & 64 bit)
Operating Temperature0°– 35°C


EAC-1012-19: Complete system including a collimator unit with USB3.0 camera, software on CD and a retro-reflector for infinity adjustment.