F-950-73-161 73 micron filter, .016” orifice 2.49 AA
F-950-5-201 5 micron filter, .020" orifice 2.49 AA
F-950-25-201 25 micron filter, .020" orifice 2.49 AA
F-950-43-201 43 micron filter, .020" orifice 2.49 AA
F-950-73-201 73 micron filter, .020" orifice 2.49 AA
F-950-5-251 5 micron filter, .025" orifice 2.49 AA
F-950-25-251 25 micron filter, .025" orifice 2.49 AA
F-950-43-251 43 micron filter, .025 orifice 2.49 AA
F-950-73-251 73 micron filter, .025" orifice 2.49 AA
F-950-5-301 5 micron filter, .030" orifice 2.49 AA
F-950-25-301 25 micron filter, .030" orifice 2.49 AA
F-950-43-301 43 micron filter, .030" orifice 2.49 AA
F-950-73-301 73 micron filter, .030" orifice 2.49 AA
F-950-5 5 micron 2.25 AA
F-950-25 25 micron 2.25 AA
F-950-43 43 micron 2.25 AA
F-950-73 73 micron 2.25 AA
F-960-5 5 micron 2.25 AA
F-960-25 25 micron 2.25 AA
F-960-43 43 micron 2.25 AA
F-960-73 73 micron 2.25 AA
F-970-5 5 micron 3.25 AA
F-970-25 25 micron 3.25 AA
F-970-43 43 micron 3.25 AA
F-970-73 73 micron 3.25 AA
F-970-5 5 micron 3.55 AA
F-970-25 25 micron 3.55 AA
F-970-43 43 micron 3.55 AA
F-970-73 73 micron 3.55 AA
G-015 0-15 PSI 9.50 AAA
G-030 0-30 PSI 9.50 AAA
G-060 0-60 PSI 9.50 AAA
G-100 0-100 PSI 9.50 AAA
G-160 0-160 PSI 9.50 AAA
Inline Filters (with B80/B85 barbs)
10-32 UNF Male Threaded Filters (with a B80/B85 barb)
10-32 UNF Female Threaded Inline Filters
10-32 UNF Female Threaded Inline Filters (with B80/B85/B86 barbs)
V-030 0-30" Hg 9.50 AAA
V-305 0-30” Hg 23.95 C
F-2803-40 2.50 AA
F-2913-80 on/off indicator, maximum supply pressure 3 PSI 3.30 AA
F-3702-251 7.50 AA
F-3705-251 7.50 AA
F-3705-251-040 7.75 AA
F-3802-5 plug for unused element sockets 0.25 AA
F-3802-60 manifold card (with 2 plugs) 6.50 AA
F-4014-123 0.012" supply orifice, actuates @ 3" +/- 2" H2O 8.60 AA
F-4014-128 0.012" supply orifice, actuates @ 8" +/- 3" H2O 8.60 AA
F-4014-161 0.016" supply orifice, actuates @ 1" +/- 1" H2O 8.60 AA
F-4014-163 0.016" supply orifice, actuates @ 3" +/- 2" H2O 8.60 AA
F-4014-168 0.016" supply orifice, actuates @ 8" +/- 3" H2O 8.60 AA
F-4102-161 7.50 AA
F-4103-20 inline model 6.25 AA
F-4103-25 panel-mounted model 6.25 AA
F-4203-40 2.50 AA
F-4417-10 straight-ports for 1/16" I.D. tubing, 2-20 PSI supply 2.30 AA
F-4417-10-B85 barbs for 1/8" I.D. tubing, 2-20 PSI supply 3.20 AA
F-4417-15 straight-ports for 1/16" I.D. tubing, 0-3 PSI supply 2.30 AA
F-4417-15-B85 barbs for 1/18" I.D. tubing, 0-3 PSI supply 3.20 AA
F-4417-40 contains four sensor venturi, 0.5-10 PSI supply 15.00 AA
F-4419-120 limit sensor with a straight port for 1/16" I.D. tubing 4.35 AA
Subminiature Vacuum Gauges
Vacuum Gauges
Capacity Tank
Test Point Indicator
NOR Logic Elements
Manifold Card
Diaphragm Amplifiers
Summing Impact Modulator
Diaphragm Comparators
Supply Tank
Sensor Venturi
V-4417-10 vacuum range is 0-15" Hg, straight ports 2.30 AA
F-2822-20 straight-ports for 1/16" I.D. tubing 6 .70 AA
F-2822-20-B80 barbs for 1/16" I.D. tubing 6 .90 AA
F-2822-20-B85 barbs for 1/8" I.D. tubing 7 .00 AA
F-2822-20-B90 barb for 3/16" & a straight-port for 1/16" I.D. tubing 9 .00 AA
F-2822-20-B90-DB barbs for 3/16" I.D. tubing 1 0.00 AA
F-2822-21 straight-ports for 1/16" I.D. tubing 7 .25 AA
F-2822-21-B80 barbs for 1/16" I.D. tubing 7 .45 AA
F-2822-21-B85 barbs for 1/8" I.D. tubing 7 .55 AA
F-2822-30 straight-ports for 1/16" I.D. tubing 6 .70 AA
F-2822-30-B80 barbs for 1/16" I.D tubing 6 .90 AA
F-2822-30-B85 barbs for 1/8" I.D. tubing 7 .00 AA
F-2822-31 straight-ports for 1/16" I.D. tubing 7 .25 AA
F-2822-31-B80 barbs for 1/16" I.D. tubing 7 .45 AA
F-2822-31-B85 barbs for 1/8" I.D. tubing 7 .55 AA
F-2822-40 straight-ports for 1/16" I.D. tubing . . . 4 .25 AA
F-2822-40-K with knob 5.25 AA
F-2822-40-KSS with stainless steel knob 6 .55 AA
F-2822-40-SS with stainless steel pin 5 .55 AA
F-2822-40-B80 barbs for 1/16" I.D. tubing . . . 4 .55 AA
F-2822-40-B80-K with knob 5.55 AA
F-2822-40-B80-KSS with stainless steel knob 6 .85 AA
F-2822-40-B80-SS with stainless steel pin 5 .85 AA
F-2822-40-B85 barbs for 1/8" I.D. tubing . . . 4 .55 AA
F-2822-40-B85-K with knob 5.55 AA
F-2822-40-B85-KSS with stainless steel knob 6 .85 AA
F-2822-40-B85-SS with stainless steel pin 5 .85 AA
Vacuum Generator
MODULAR MANIFOLD (See Precision Pressure Regulators)
(with a Buna-N, Ethylene Propylene, or Viton O'ring)
Standard Adjustment Needle Valves (inline)
Standard Adjustment Needle Valves (panel-mounted)
Fine Adjustment Needle Valves (inline)
Fine Adjustment Needle Valves (panel-mounted)
(with a Buna-N, Ethylene Propylene, or Viton O'ring)
Inline Needle Valves