濾芯招代理Candle type filter recruit agents |
My latest R & D into a candle type filter, all parts can be sold separay, the skeleton and finished products can be according to customer demand for the production, enrol agent interested please contact me: micro channel: ,Skype:shenbao11 . TradeManager:shengbaolvye 我公司研發(fā)成燭式濾芯,所有零件可以單獨出售,成品及骨架可按客戶需求生產,現招代理有意都請與我:. Product features: 1. A candle type filter is mainly used for oil filter, composed of a plurality of filter element and a magnetic filter combination, with the same specification and dimension, effectively increase the filter area. 2 with the metal wire mesh as the filter media; The 3 candle type filter has the resistance pressure loss is small, the intensity is high, can be repeated washing, backwashing characteristics etc.; 4 the filter element and the fixing plate are fixed by bolt or screw thread connection, installation, disassembly and cleaning; The 5 candle type filter of high strength, long service life, strong corrosion resistance, high temperature range, no material from; 6 candle filter area is large, high flow rate, high porosity, good permeability, strong ability to accept dirt, and then strong (can be repeated cleaning); 7 installation, removal, cleaning convenience;
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