【APS選擇性超級肉湯,Super Broth Base, Select APS? (Alternative Protein Source),212486】 本產品僅供科研與實驗使用,產品名稱請以英文為主,部分詳情:
【英文名稱】:Super Broth Base, Select APS? (Alternative Protein Source)
【APS選擇性超級肉湯,Super Broth Base, Select APS? (Alternative Protein Source),212486】 物美價廉、貨源充足,現(xiàn)貨*。江萊生物-中國老牌試劑供應商是滬上*的試劑供應商之一,*銷售ELISA試劑盒、生物試劑、抗體、標準品、培養(yǎng)基、樹脂等科研試劑,量大從優(yōu),部分產品*銷售,咨詢產品價格、貨期及優(yōu)惠信息。
【elect APS? (Alternative Protein Source),212486】 質量保證,相關試劑歡迎選購:
- 4g/L.,G017-100GM
MS芽增殖培養(yǎng)基(MSMC),Murashige & Skoog Multiplication Medium C (MSMC), With macro- and micronutrients, vitamins, sucrose, sodium phosphate, NAA, adenine sulfate, and kinetin,MSP12-50LT
吲哚丁酸鉀鹽,Indole-3-butyric Acid Potassium Salt (IBA-K), CAS# 60096-23-3,I008-100GM
發(fā)癬菌瓊脂7,Trichophyton Agar 7,295510
紫紅膽汁瓊脂,Violet Red Bile Agar,211687
N6異戊烯基腺嘌呤(2iP),6-(g,g-dimethylallylamino purine) (2iP), >99%,D006-500MG
膽汁鹽No. 3,Bile Salts No. 3,213020
赤霉素GA4+7(G4與GA7的混合物),GA+7, >90%,G026-250MG
UVM改良李斯特菌增菌肉湯,UVM Modified Listeria Enrichment Broth,222330
反玉米素核苷,trans-Zeatin Riboside, CAS# 6025-53-2; MW 351.36; >99%,Z008-1GM
大豆*血瓊脂基礎EH,Tryptic Soy Blood Agar Base EH,228200
查普曼斯東培養(yǎng)基,Chapman Stone Medium,211805
WestvacoWV3培養(yǎng)基(含大量元素、微量元素和維生素),Westvaco WV3 Medium with Vitamins, With macro- and micronutrients and vitamins,WVP01-50LT
精選APS胰蛋白大豆肉湯(無動物源),PAIL SELECT APS TSB 10 KG,214887
MI瓊脂,MI Agar,214883
微繁殖瓊脂-I型,Micropropagation Agar-Type I, Derived from Gracilaria. Suitable for broad range of tissue culture applications; Use at 5 - 9g/L,A038-100GM
B5培養(yǎng)基(含維生素和蔗糖),Gamborg’s B-5 Medium with Vitamins and Sucrose, With macro- and micronutrients, vitamins, and 20g/L sucrose.,GBP08-10LT
微繁殖瓊脂-II型,Micropropagation Agar-Type II, Dervied from Gelidium. Softer gel strength than A038 agar; Use at 5 - 9g/L,A037-25KG
微繁殖瓊脂-II型,Micropropagation Agar-Type II, Dervied from Gelidium. Softer gel strength than A038 agar; Use at 5 - 9g/L,A037-5KG
麥草畏,Dicamba, CAS# 1918-00-9; MW221.04; >98%,D013-5GM
蘭科植物持久培養(yǎng)基(含炭),Orchid Maintenance Medium, With charcoal. Without agar.,OMP02-50LT
酚紅蔗糖肉湯,Phenol Red Sucrose Broth,211533
Chu’sN-6培養(yǎng)基(含維生素),Chu’s N-6 Medium with Vitamins, With macro- and micronutrients and vitamins. (Bottle Packaging),CHP03-10LT
LS培養(yǎng)基,Linsmaier & Skoog, With macro- and micronutrients and vitamins.,LSP01-50LT
Chu’sN-6培養(yǎng)基(含維生素),Chu’s N-6 Medium with Vitamins, With macro- and micronutrients and vitamins.,CHP03-1LT
亞碲酸鹽*瓊脂,lurite Glycine Agar,261710
CZAPEK溶液瓊脂,500G,Czapek Solution Agar,233910
吲哚丁酸鉀鹽,Indole-3-butyric Acid Potassium Salt (IBA-K), CAS# 60096-23-3,I008-500GM
平板計數瓊脂,Plate Count Agar,247910
zui大復壯稀釋液,Maximum Recovery Diluent,218971
孟加拉紅瓊脂,Cooke Rose Bengal Agar,270310
江萊生物經銷【elect APS? (Alternative Protein Source),212486】等數十萬種科研試劑,種類齊全,價格透明,質量品牌保證,傾力為國內國外生命科學研究人員提供*的產品。歡迎新老客戶!