YSI Professional Plus多功能測(cè)量?jī)x

Step 1: 訂購(gòu)儀器
6050000:包括數(shù)據(jù)管理軟件, PROCOMM II通訊座和USB連接線
Step 2: 訂購(gòu)電纜(s)
60510: 1, 4, 10, 20 or 30 meter: ISE1/temp
60520: 1, 4, 10, 20, 30 or up to100 meters2: DO/temp
60530: 1, 4, 10, 20 or 30 meter: conductivity/temp
6051010: 1, 4, 10, 20 or 30 meter: ISE/ISE/temp
6051020: 1, 4, 10, 20 or 30 meter: ISE/DO/temp
6051030: 1, 4, 10, 20 or 30 meter: ISE/conductivity/temp
6052030: 1, 4, 10, 20 or 30 meter: DO/conductivity/temp
605790: 1, 4, 10, 20 or 30 meter: ISE/ISE/DO/conductivity/temp
605107: 1–meter single junction pH sensor & cable
605177: 4–meter single junction pH sensor & cable
605108: 1–meter single junction ORP sensor & cable
605178: 4–meter single junction ORP sensor & cable
605109: 1–meter single junction pH/ORP sensor & cable
605179: 4–meter single junction pH/ORP sensor & cable
Step 3: 訂購(gòu)傳感器(s)
605202: Galvanic DO
605203: Polarographic DO
605780: Self-stirring BOD (2-meter cable included)
605101: pH (ISE)
605102: ORP (ISE)
605103: pH/ORP combination (ISE)3
605104: Ammonium (ISE)
605105: Chloride (ISE)
605106: Nitrate (ISE)
605323: Amplified pH Sensor (ISE)
605324: Amplified pH/ORP Sensor (ISE)
Step 4: 訂購(gòu)方案
3167: 1,000 µs/cm conductivity solution (8 pints)
3168: 10,000 µs/cm conductivity solution (8 pints)
3169: 50,000 µs/cm conductivity solution (8 pints)
3682: Zobell, ORP solution (125 mL)
3824: pH 4, 7, 10 buffers (2 pints each)
3841: 1 mg/L ammonium solution (500 mL)
3842: 10 mg/L ammonium solution (500 mL)
3843: 100 mg/L ammonium solution (500 mL)
3885: 1 mg/L nitrate solution (500 mL)
3886: 10 mg/L nitrate solution (500 mL)
3887: 100 mg/L nitrate solution (500 mL)
5580: Confidence Solution® to verify pH, ORP and conductivity data (not for cal)
Step 5: 訂購(gòu)附件
603059: Flow Cell, Standard, 203 mL
603077: Flow Cell Kit, 1- or 2-Port Sensor (includes 603059 & 603078)
606850: Quatro Cable Flow Cell
603078: Flow Cell Adapter, Single Port (used with 603059)
603056: Flow Cell Mounting Spike
603075: Carrying Case, Soft-Sided
603074: Carrying Case, Hard-Sided
603162: Carrying Case, Small, Soft-Sided
603069: Belt Clip
063517: Ultra Clamp
063507: Tripod
603062: Cable Management Kit
605978: Weight, Sensor/Cable, 4.9 oz.
063019: Weight, Sensor/Cable, 24 oz., 3"
063020: Weight, Sensor/Cable, 51 oz., 6"
603070: Shoulder Strap
626444: Lab Dock, Holds Meter and BOD probe
605170: Electrode Lab Stand