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2009年02月24日 14:06:02人氣:2049來源:上海邁捷實(shí)驗(yàn)設(shè)備有限公司

Guidance for Industry
Q1A Stability Testing of New Drug SubstancesProducts

U.S. Department of HealthHuman Services
FoodDrug Administration
Center for Drug EvaluationResearch (CDER)
Center for Biologics EvaluationResearch (CBER)
August 2001
Revision 1
Additional copies of this guidance are available from:

Office of TrainingCommunications
Division of Communications Management
Division of Drug Information, HFD-240
Center for Drug EvaluationResearch
FoodDrug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
() 301-827-4573


Guidance for Industry Q1A Stability Testing of New Drug SubstancesProducts

This guidance represents the FoodDrug Administration''s (FDA''s) current thinking on this topic. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any persondoes not operate to bind FDA or the public. An alternative approach may be used if such approach satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutesregulations.
This guidance is a revision of
Q1A Stability Testing of New Drug SubstancesProducts (September 1994). The purpose of the revision is to add information to certain sectionsto provide clarification to other sections of the guidance

A. Objectives of the Guidance (1.1)
This guidance is intended to define what stability data package for a new drug substance or drug product is sufficient for a registration application within the three regions of the European Union (EU), Japan,the United States. It does not seek to address the testing for registration in or export to other areas of the world. The guidance exemplifies the core stability data package for new drug substancesproducts, but leaves sufficient flexibility to encompass the variety of different practical situations that may be encountered due to specific scientific considerationscharacteristics of the materials being evaluated. Alternative approaches can be used when there are scientifically justifiable reasons.
B. Scope of the Guidance (1.2)
The guidance addresses the information to be submitted in registration applications for new molecular entitiesassociated drug products. This guidance does not currently seek to cover the information to be submitted for abbreviated or abridged applications, variations, or clinical trial applications.
Specific details of the samplingtesting for particular dosage forms in their proposed container closures are not covered in this guidance.
Further guidance on new dosage formson biotechnological/biological products can be found in ICH guidances Q1CQ5C, respectively.
C. General Principles (1.3)
The purpose of stability testing is to provide evidence on how the quality of a drug substance or drug product varies with time under the influence of a variety of environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity,light,to establish a retest period for the drug substance or a shelf life for the drug productrecommended storage conditions.
The choice of test conditions defined in this guidance is based on an analysis of the effects of climatic conditions in the three regions of the EU, Japan,the United States. The mean kinetic temperature in any part of the world can be derived from climatic data,the world can be divided into four climatic zones, I-IV. This guidance addresses climatic zones III. The principle has been established that stability information generated in any one of the three regions of the EU, Japan,the United States would be mutually acceptable to the other two regions, provided the information is consistent with this guidancethe labeling is in accord with national/regional requirements.

A. Drug Substance (2.1)
1. General (2.1.1)
Information on the stability of the drug substance is an integral part of the systematic approach to stability evaluation.
2. Stress Testing (2.1.2)
Stress testing of the drug substance can help identify the likely degradation products, which can in turn help establish the degradation pathwaysthe intrinsic stability of the moleculevalidate the stability indicating power of the analytical procedures used. The nature of the stress testing will depend on the individual drug substancethe type of drug product involved.
Stress testing is likely to be carried out on a single batch of the drug substance. The testing should include the effect of temperatures (in 10°C increments (e.g., 50°C, 60°C) above that for accelerated testing), humidity (e.g., 75% relative humidity or greater) where appropriate, oxidation,photolysis on the drug substance. The testing should also evaluate the susceptibility of the drug substance to hydrolysis across a wide range of pH values when in solution or suspension. Photostability testing should be an integral part of stress testing. The standard conditions for photostability testing are described in ICH Q1B.
Examining degradation products under stress conditions is useful in establishing degradation pathwaysdevelopingvalidating suitable analytical procedures. However, such examination may not be necessary for certain degradation products if it has been demonstrated that they are not formed under accelerated or long-term storage conditions.
Results from these studies will form an integral part of the information provided to regulatory authorities.
3. Selection of Batches (2.1.3)
Data from formal stability studies should be provided on at least three primary batches of the drug substance. The batches should be manufactured to a minimum of pilot scale by the same synthetic route as production batchesusing a method of manufactureprocedure that simulates the final process to be used for production batches. The overall quality of the batches of drug substance placed on formal stability studies should be representative of the quality of the material to be made on a production scale.
Other supporting data can be provided.
4. Container Closure System (2.1.4)
The stability studies should be conducted on the drug substance packaged in a container closure system that is the same as or simulates the packaging proposed for storagedistribution.
5. Specification (2.1.5)
Specification, which is a list of tests, references to analytical procedures,proposed acceptance criteria, is addressed in ICH Q6AQ6B. In addition, specification for degradation products in a drug substance is discussed in Q3A.
Stability studies should include testing of those attributes of the drug substance that are susceptible to change during storageare likely to influence quality, safety, and/or efficacy. The testing should cover, as appropriate, the physical, chemical, biological,microbiological attributes. Validated stability-indicating analytical procedures should be applied. Whetherto what extent replication should be performed should depend on the results from validation studies.

6. Testing Frequency (2.1.6)
For long-term studies, frequency of testing should be sufficient to establish the stability profile of the drug substance. For drug substances with a proposed retest period of at least 12 months, the frequency of testing at the long-term storage condition should normally be every 3 months over the first year, every 6 months over the second year,annually thereafter through the proposed retest period.
At the accelerated storage condition, a minimum of three time points, including the initialfinal time points (e.g., 0, 3,6 months), from a 6-month study is recommended. Where an expectation (based on development experience) exists that the results from accelerated studies are likely to approach significant change criteria, increased testing should be conducted either by adding samples at the final time point or including a fourth time point in the study design.
When testing at the intermediate storage condition is called for as a result of significant change at the accelerated storage condition, a minimum of four time points, including the initialfinal time points (e.g., 0, 6, 9, 12 months), from a 12-month study is recommended.
7. Storage Conditions (2.1.7)
In general, a drug substance should be evaluated under storage conditions (with appropriate tolerances) that test its thermal stability and, if applicable, its sensitivity to moisture. The storage conditionsthe lengths of studies chosen should be sufficient to cover storage, shipment,subsequent use.
The long-term testing should cover a minimum of 12 months'' duration on at least three primary batches at the time of submissionshould be continued for a period of time sufficient to cover the proposed retest period. Additional data accumulated during the assessment period of the registration application should be submitted to the authorities if requested. Data from the accelerated storage condition and, if appropriate, from the intermediate storage condition can be used to evaluate the effect of short-term excursions outside the label storage conditions (such as might occur during shipping).
Long-term, accelerated, and, where appropriate, intermediate storage conditions for drug substances are detailed in the sections below. The general case should apply if the drug substance is not specifically covered by a subsequent section. Alternative storage conditions can be used if justified.
a. General case (


Storage condition

Minimum time period covered by data at submission


25°C ± 2°C/60% RH ± 5% RH

12 months


30°C ± 2°C/60% RH ± 5% RH

6 months


40°C ± 2°C/75% RH ± 5% RH

6 months

When significant change occurs at any time during 6 months'' testing at the accelerated storage condition, additional testing at the intermediate storage condition should be conductedevaluated against significant change criteria. Testing at the intermediate storage condition should include all tests, unless otherwise justified. The initial application should include a minimum of 6 months'' data from a 12-month study at the intermediate storage condition.
Significant change
for a drug substance is defined as failure to meet its specification.
b. Drug substances intended for storage in a refrigerator (


Storage condition

Minimum time period covered by data at submission


5°C ± 3°C

12 months


25°C ± 2°C/60% RH ± 5% RH

6 months

Data from refrigerated storage should be assessed according to the evaluation section of this guidance, except where explicitly noted below.
If significant change occurs between 36 months'' testing at the accelerated storage condition, the proposed retest period should be based on the real time data available at the long-term storage condition.
If significant change occurs within the first 3 months'' testing at the accelerated storage condition, a discussion should be provided to address the effect of short-term excursions outside the label storage condition (e.g., during shipping or handling). This discussion can be supported, if appropriate, by further testing on a single batch of the drug substance for a period shorter than 3 months but with more frequent testing than usual. It is considered unnecessary to continue to test a drug substance through 6 months when a significant change has occurred within the first 3 months.
c. Drug substances intended for storage in a freezer (


Storage condition

Minimum time period covered by data at submission


-20°C ± 5°C

12 months

For drug substances intended for storage in a freezer, the retest period should be based on the real time data obtained at the long-term storage condition. In the absence of an accelerated storage condition for drug substances intended to be stored in a freezer, testing on a single batch at an elevated temperature (e.g., 5°C ± 3°C or 25°C ± 2°C) for an appropriate time period should be conducted to address the effect of short-term excursions outside the proposed label storage condition (e.g., during shipping or handling).
d. Drug substances intended for storage below -20°C (
Drug substances intended for storage below -20°C should be treated on a case-by-case basis.
8. Stability Commitment (2.1.8)
When available long-term stability data on primary batches do not cover the proposed retest period granted at the time of approval, a commitment should be made to continue the stability studies postapproval to firmly establish the retest period.
Where the submission includes long-term stability data on three production batches covering the proposed retest period, a postapproval commitment is considered unnecessary. Otherwise, one of the following commitments should be made:
· If the submission includes data from stability studies on at least three production batches, a commitment should be made to continue these studies through the proposed retest period.
· If the submission includes data from stability studies on fewer than three production batches, a commitment should be made to continue these studies through the proposed retest periodto place additional production batches, to a total of at least three, on long-term stability studies through the proposed retest period.
· If the submission does not include stability data on production batches, a commitment should be made to place the first three production batches on long-term stability studies through the proposed retest period.
The stability protocol used for long-term studies for the stability commitment should be the same as that for the primary batches, unless otherwise scientifically justified.
9. Evaluation (2.1.9)
The purpose of the stability study is to establish, based on testing a minimum of three batches of the drug substanceevaluating the stability information (including, as appropriate, results of the physical, chemical, biological,microbiological tests), a retest period applicable to all future batches of the drug substance manufactured under similar circumstances. The degree of variability of individual batches affects the confidence that a future production batch will remain within specification throughout the assigned retest period.
The data may show so little degradationso little variability that it is apparent from looking at the data that the requested retest period will be granted. Under these circumstances, it is normally unnecessary to go through the formal statistical analysis; providing a justification for the omission should be sufficient.
An approach for analyzing the data on a quantitative attribute that is expected to change with time is to determine the time at which the 95 percent, one-sided confidence limit for the mean curve intersects the acceptance criterion. If analysis shows that the batch-to-batch variability is small, it is advantageous to combine the data into one overall estimate. This can be done by first applying appropriate statistical tests (e.g., p values for level of significance of rejection of more than 0.25) to the slopes of the regression lineszero time intercepts for the individual batches. If it is inappropriate to combine data from several batches, the overall retest period should be based on the minimum time a batch can be expected to remain within acceptance criteria.
The nature of any degradation relationship will determine whether the data should be transformed for linear regression analysis. Usually the relationship can be represented by a linear, quadratic, or cubic function on an arithmetic or logarithmic scale. Statistical methods should be employed to test the goodness of fit of the data on all batchescombined batches (where appropriate) to the assumed degradation line or curve.
Limited extrapolation of the real time data from the long-term storage condition beyond the observed range to extend the retest period can be undertaken at approval time if justified. This justification should be based, for example, on what is known about the mechanism of degradation, the results of testing under accelerated conditions, the goodness of fit of any mathematical model, batch size, and/or existence of supporting stability data. However, this extrapolation assumes that the same degradation relationship will continue to apply beyond the observed data.
Any evaluation should cover not only the assay, but also the levels of degradation productsother appropriate attributes.
10. Statements/Labeling (2.1.10)
A storage statement should be established for the labeling in accordance with relevant national/regional requirements. The statement should be based on the stability evaluation of the drug substance. Where applicable, specific instructions should be provided, particularly for drug substances that cannot tolerate freezing. Terms such as
ambient conditions or room temperature should be avoided.
A retest period should be derived from the stability information,a retest date should be displayed on the container label if appropriate.
B. Drug Product (2.2)
1. General (2.2.1)
The design of the formal stability studies for the drug product should be based on knowledge of the behaviorproperties of the drug substance, results from stability studies on the drug substance,experience gained from clinical formulation studies. The likely changes on storagethe rationale for the selection of attributes to be tested in the formal stability studies should be stated.
2. Photostability Testing (2.2.2)
Photostability testing should be conducted on at least one primary batch of the drug product if appropriate. The standard conditions for photostability testing are described in ICH Q1B.
3. Selection of Batches (2.2.3)
Data from stability studies should be provided on at least three primary batches of the drug product. The primary batches should be of the same formulationpackaged in the same container closure system as proposed for marketing. The manufacturing process used for primary batches should simulate that to be applied to production batchesshould provide product of the same qualitymeeting the same specification as that intended for marketing. Two of the three batches should be at least pilot scale batches,the third one can be smaller if justified. Where possible, batches of the drug product should be manufactured by using different batches of the drug substance.
Stability studies should be performed on each individual strengthcontainer size of the drug product unless bracketing or matrixing is applied.
Other supporting data can be provided.
4. Container Closure System (2.2.4)
Stability testing should be conducted on the dosage form packaged in the container closure system proposed for marketing (including, as appropriate, any secondary packagingcontainer label). Any available studies carried out on the drug product outside its immediate container or in other packaging materials can form a useful part of the stress testing of the dosage form or can be considered as supporting information, respectively.
5. Specification (2.2.5)
Specification, which is a list of tests, references to analytical procedures,proposed acceptance criteria, including the concept of different acceptance criteria for releaseshelf life specifications, is addressed in ICH Q6AQ6B. In addition, specification for degradation products in a drug product is addressed in Q3B.
Stability studies should include testing of those attributes of the drug product that are susceptible to change during storageare likely to influence quality, safety, and/or efficacy. The testing should cover, as appropriate, the physical, chemical, biological,microbiological attributes, preservative content (e.g., antioxidant, antimicrobial preservative),functionality tests (e.g., for a dose delivery system). Analytical procedures should be fully validatedstability indicating. Whetherto what extent replication should be performed will depend on the results of validation studies.
Shelf life acceptance criteria should be derived from consideration of all available stability information. It may be appropriate to have justifiable differences between the shelf liferelease acceptance criteria based on the stability evaluationthe changes observed on storage. Any differences between the releaseshelf life acceptance criteria for antimicrobial preservative content should be supported by a validated correlation of chemical contentpreservative effectiveness demonstrated during drug development on the product in its final formulation (except for preservative concentration) intended for marketing. A single primary stability batch of the drug product should be tested for antimicrobial preservative effectiveness (in addition to preservative content) at the proposed shelf life for verification purposes, regardless of whether there is a difference between the releaseshelf life acceptance criteria for preservative content.
6. Testing Frequency (2.2.6)
For long-term studies, frequency of testing should be sufficient to establish the stability profile of the drug product. For products with a proposed shelf life of at least 12 months, the frequency of testing at the long-term storage condition should normally be every 3 months over the first year, every 6 months over the second year,annually thereafter through the proposed shelf life.
At the accelerated storage condition, a minimum of three time points, including the initialfinal time points (e.g., 0, 3,6 months), from a 6-month study is recommended. Where an expectation (based on development experience) exists that results from accelerated testing are likely to approach significant change criteria, increased testing should be conducted either by adding samples at the final time point or by including a fourth time point in the study design.
When testing at the intermediate storage condition is called for as a result of significant change at the accelerated storage condition, a minimum of four time points, including the initialfinal time points (e.g., 0, 6, 9, 12 months), from a 12-month study is recommended.
Reduced designs (i.e., matrixing or bracketing), where the testing frequency is reduced or certain factor combinations are not tested at all, can be applied if justified.
7. Storage Conditions (2.2.7)
In general, a drug product should be evaluated under storage conditions (with appropriate tolerances) that test its thermal stability and, if applicable, its sensitivity to moisture or potential for solvent loss. The storage conditionsthe lengths of studies chosen should be sufficient to cover storage, shipment,subsequent use.
Stability testing of the drug product after constitution or dilution, if applicable, should be conducted to provide information for the labeling on the preparation, storage condition,in-use period of the constituted or diluted product. This testing should be performed on the constituted or diluted product through the proposed in-use period on primary batches as part of the formal stability studies at initialfinal time points,if full shelf life, long-term data will not be available before submission, at 12 months or the last time point for which data will be available. In general, this testing need not be repeated on commitment batches.
The long-term testing should cover a minimum of 12 months'' duration on at least three primary batches at the time of submissionshould be continued for a period of time sufficient to cover the proposed shelf life. Additional data accumulated during the assessment period of the registration application should be submitted to the authorities if requested. Data from the accelerated storage condition and, if appropriate, from the intermediate storage condition can be used to evaluate the effect of short-term excursions outside the label storage conditions (such as might occur during shipping).
Long-term, accelerated, and, where appropriate, intermediate storage conditions for drug products are detailed in the sections below. The general case should apply if the drug product is not specifically covered by a subsequent section. Alternative storage conditions can be used if justified.
a. General case (


Storage condition

Minimum time period covered by data at submission


25°C ± 2°C/60% RH ± 5% RH

12 months


30°C ± 2°C/60% RH ± 5% RH

6 months


40°C ± 2°C/75% RH ± 5% RH

6 months

When significant change occurs at any time during 6 months'' testing at the accelerated storage condition, additional testing at the intermediate storage condition should be conductedevaluated against significant change criteria. The initial application should include a minimum of 6 months'' data from a 12-month study at the intermediate storage condition.
In general,
significant change
for a drug product is defined as one or more of the following (as appropriate for the dosage form):
· A 5 percent change in assay from its initial value, or failure to meet the acceptance criteria for potency when using biological or immunological procedures
· Any degradation product''s exceeding its acceptance criterion
· Failure to meet the acceptance criteria for appearance, physical attributes,functionality test (e.g., color, phase separation, resuspendibility, caking, hardness, dose delivery per actuation). However, some changes in physical attributes (e.g., softening of suppositories, melting of creams) may be expected under accelerated conditions.
· Failure to meet the acceptance criterion for pH
· Failure to meet the acceptance criteria for dissolution for 12 dosage units
b. Drug products packaged in impermeable containers (
Sensitivity to moisture or potential for solvent loss is not a concern for drug products packaged in impermeable containers that provide a permanent barrier to passage of moisture or solvent. Thus, stability studies for products stored in impermeable containers can be conducted under any controlled or ambient humidity condition.
c. Drug products packaged in semipermeable containers (
Aqueous-based products packaged in semipermeable containers should be evaluated for potential water loss in addition to physical, chemical, biological,microbiological stability. This evaluation can be carried out under conditions of low relative humidity, as discussed below. Ultimay, it should be demonstrated that aqueous-based drug products stored in semipermeable containers can withstand low relative humidity environments. Other comparable approaches can be developedreported for nonaqueous, solvent-based products.


Storage condition

Minimum time period covered by data at submission


25°C ± 2°C/40% RH ± 5% RH

12 months


30°C ± 2°C/60% RH ± 5% RH

6 months


40°C ± 2°C/not more than (NMT) 25% RH

6 months

When significant change other than water loss occurs during the 6 months'' testing at the accelerated storage condition, additional testing at the intermediate storage condition should be performed, as described under the general case, to evaluate the temperature effect at 30_C. A significant change in water loss alone at the accelerated storage condition does not necessitate testing at the intermediate storage condition. However, data should be provided to demonstrate that the drug product will not have significant water loss throughout the proposed shelf life if stored at 25°Cthe reference relative humidity of 40 percent RH.
A 5 percent loss in water from its initial value is considered a significant change for a product packaged in a semipermeable container after an equivalent of 3 months'' storage at 40°C/NMT 25 percent RH. However, for small containers (1 mL or less) or unit-dose products, a water loss of 5 percent or more after an equivalent of 3 months'' storage at 40°C/NMT 25 percent RH may be appropriate if justified.
An alternative approach to studying at the reference relative humidity as recommended in the table above (for either long-term or accelerated testing) is performing the stability studies under higher relative humidityderiving the water loss at the reference relative humidity through calculation. This can be achieved by experimentally determining the permeation coefficient for the container closure system or, as shown in the example below, using the calculated ratio of water loss rates between the two humidity conditions at the same temperature. The permeation coefficient for a container closure system can be experimentally determined by using the worst case scenario (e.g., the most diluted of a series of concentrations) for the proposed drug product.
Example of an approach for determining water loss:

For a product in a given container closure system, container size,fill, an appropriate approach for deriving the water loss rate at the reference relative humidity is to multiply the water loss rate measured at an alternative relative humidity at the same temperature by a water loss rate ratio shown in the table below. A linear water loss rate at the alternative relative humidity over the storage period should be demonstrated.
For example, at a given temperature (e.g., 40
°C), the calculated water loss rate during storage at NMT 25 percent RH is the water loss rate measured at 75 percent RH multiplied by 3.0, the corresponding water loss rate ratio.

Alternative relative humidity

Reference relative humidity

Ratio of water loss rates at a given temperature

60% RH

25% RH


60% RH

40% RH


75% RH

25% RH


Valid water loss rate ratios at relative humidity conditions other than those shown in the table above can also be used.
d. Drug products intended for storage in a refrigerator (


Storage condition

Minimum time period covered by data at submission


5°C ± 3°C

12 months


25°C ± 2°C/60% RH ± 5% RH

6 months

If the drug product is packaged in a semipermeable container, appropriate information should be provided to assess the extent of water loss.
Data from refrigerated storage should be assessed according to the evaluation section of this guidance, except where explicitly noted below.
If significant change occurs between 36 months'' testing at the accelerated storage condition, the proposed shelf life should be based on the real time data available from the long-term storage condition.
If significant change occurs within the first 3 months'' testing at the accelerated storage condition, a discussion should be provided to address the effect of short-term excursions outside the label storage condition (e.g., during shipmenthandling). This discussion can be supported, if appropriate, by further testing on a single batch of the drug product for a period shorter than 3 months but with more frequent testing than usual. It is considered unnecessary to continue to test a product through 6 months when a significant change has occurred within the first 3 months.
e. Drug products intended for storage in a freezer (


Storage condition

Minimum time period covered by data at submission


-20°C ± 5°C

12 months

For drug products intended for storage in a freezer, the shelf life should be based on the real time data obtained at the long-term storage condition. In the absence of an accelerated storage condition for drug products intended to be stored in a freezer, testing on a single batch at an elevated temperature (e.g., 5°C ± 3°C or 25°C ± 2°C) for an appropriate time period should be conducted to address the effect of short-term excursions outside the proposed label storage condition.
 f. Drug products intended for storage below -20°C (
Drug products intended for storage below -20°C should be treated on a case-by-case basis.
8. Stability Commitment (2.2.8)
When available long-term stability data on primary batches do not cover the proposed shelf life granted at the time of approval, a commitment should be made to continue the stability studies postapproval to firmly establish the shelf life.
Where the submission includes long-term stability data from three production batches covering the proposed shelf life, a postapproval commitment is considered unnecessary. Otherwise, one of the following commitments should be made:
· If the submission includes data from stability studies on at least three production batches, a commitment should be made to continue the long-term studies through the proposed shelf lifethe accelerated studies for 6 months.
· If the submission includes data from stability studies on fewer than three production batches, a commitment should be made to continue the long-term studies through the proposed shelf lifethe accelerated studies for 6 months,to place additional production batches, to a total of at least three, on long-term stability studies through the proposed shelf lifeon accelerated studies for 6 months.
· If the submission does not include stability data on production batches, a commitment should be made to place the first three production batches on long-term stability studies through the proposed shelf lifeon accelerated studies for 6 months.
The stability protocol used for studies on commitment batches should be the same as that for the primary batches, unless otherwise scientifically justified.

Where intermediate testing is called for by a significant change at the accelerated storage condition for the primary batches, testing on the commitment batches can be conducted at either the intermediate or the accelerated storage condition. However, if significant change occurs at the accelerated storage condition on the commitment batches, testing at the intermediate storage condition should also be conducted.


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国产免费高清av在线播放-成年人在线播放中文字幕| 欧美一级一线在线观看-亚洲一区二区亚洲三区| 免费午夜福利视频在线观看-亚洲成人日韩欧美伊人一区| 中文字幕精品一区二区日本99-青青国产成人久久91网| 午夜日韩精品在线视频-亚洲网老鸭窝男人的天堂| 韩漫一区二区在线观看-精品国产免费未成女一区二区三区| 久久精品人妻一区二区三区极品-久久99热这里只有精品免费| 中文字幕亚洲综合久久最新-久久精品视频免费久久久| 国产一区二区三区噜噜-精品久久亚洲一区二区欧美| 亚洲国产精品一区二区av-日本一级黄色一区二区| 在线免费观看黄片喷水-国产精品白丝网站在线观看| 亚洲日本一区二区三区黄色电形-中文字幕乱码免费熟女| 日韩高清在线观看一区二区-美产av在线免费观看| 青青操大香蕉在线播放-国产亚洲欧美精品在线观看| 久久精品人妻一区二区三区极品-久久99热这里只有精品免费| 五月婷婷免费观看视频-男人操女人下面视频在线免费看| 国模自慰一区二区三区-日韩一级黄色片天天看| 国产在线不卡高清一区-日本一区二区三区四区无卡| 国产美女裸露无遮挡双奶网站-国产精品色午夜视频免费看| 亚洲视频一区二区三区免费-国产一级黄色大片在线| 国产av一区二区三区日韩接吻-av网址在线播放网站| 日韩国产一区二区三区在线-精品日韩人妻少妇av| 中文字幕社区电影成人-欧美精美视频一区二区三区| 久色高清精品在线国产-国产精品视频一区三区四区| 日韩亚洲欧美综合在线-成人在线网站在线观看| 日韩av电影一区二区网址-老熟妇仑乱视频一区二| 久久久精品欧美日韩国产-欧美精品乱码视频在线| 欧美日韩国产综合新一区-国产综合av一区二区三区| 国产精品熟女视频一区二区-国产日韩精品欧美一区喷水| 国产精品久久久精品一区-99久久免费精品国产男女性高好| 国产传媒中文字幕在线观看-午夜福利视频在线播放观看| 国产老熟女激情小视频-成人一区二区人妻不卡视频| 中文字幕精品一区二区日本99-青青国产成人久久91网| 欧美日本亚一级二级三区久久精品-日韩欧美一区二区久久婷婷| 国产黄污网站在线观看-成人av电影中文字幕| 亚洲综合av一区二区三区-高潮又爽又黄无遮挡激情视频| 亚洲精品在线观看一二三区-在线观看国产中文字幕视频| hd在线观看一区二区-免费一区二区三区毛片在线| 国产精品中出久久久蜜臀-久久久中国精品视频久久久| 男女做爰猛烈啪啪吃奶在线观看-人妻连裤丝袜中文字幕| 91亚洲美女视频在线-熟妇人妻精品一区二区三区蜜臀|