We take air as raw material and utilizethe carbon molecular sieve (CMS) as absorbent. CMS
absorption of oxygen in airis much larger than its absorption of nitrogen under certain pressure,
thusthrough programmed on and off process of the automatic pneumatic valves, towerA and B
will work alternate to achieve pressurized adsorption and depressurizedesorption, complete the
separation of Oxygen and Nitrogen and reach thetargeted purity of Nitrogen.
● Fast operating, provide the required nitrogen gas within 15~30 minutes.
● Equipment operating automatically, no workers needed in the whole production process.
● Molecular sieves are effeciently filled, more compact, resulting in longer life span.
● Tailor made the nitrogen generator according tocustomers’ individual project specifications
and requirements, with highcapacity, pressure and purity ranges.
● Compact construction, advanced high-tech process, safe and reliable, low consumption.
● Customized pressure, purity and capacity ranges.
● Capacity —— 3~5500Nm3/hr
● Purity —— 95%~99.9995%
● Pressure —— ≤7bar (Adjustable)
● Dew point——≤-40℃(Adjustable)
Note: Higher oxygen content and dew point needed, please contact us for more details about NP
series nitrogen purification system.