The main components of the air are nitrogenand oxygen. At normal temperature, the adsorption
capacity between nitrogen andoxygen in zeolite molecular sieves (ZMS) are different (oxygen
passes through,and nitrogen is adsorbed), separating oxygen from the air with proper design.
Nitrogen adsorption capability is higher than oxygen adsorption capacity, Whenunder pressured
air passing through the adsorption tank filled with ZMS,nitrogen and only a little oxygen are
adsorbed, most oxygen are flow out thetank, producing oxygen by separating nitrogen and
oxygen.When ZMS are full of nitrogen, to stop theair and reduce the tank pressure, nitrogen will
be released by ZMS, so the ZMSwill regenerate and reusable. Two or more absorption tanks switch alternativelyoperation, can continue to produce oxygen gas.
●Low consumption cost, compact structure, highlevel of automation, easy operation.
●Fast operating, provide the requirednitrogen gas within 5 minutes, convenient downtime, can
be intermittentoperation.
●Low work pressure, excellent safety.
●Tailor made purity and capacity, good adaptivecapacity.
●Suitable for purity below 95% in single gasapplication industry.
● Capacity ——200~5000Nm3/hr
● Purity ——93%~95%
● Pressure ——0.02 Mpa(Adjustable)